Sunday, December 6, 2015

Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy:

Psychotherapy Notes: 

"For too long, care has been conceived of as either practitioner-centered or patient-centered. 

In actuality, the healing relationship has always been a crucible for mutual transformation. The bare willingness of human beings to encounter one another in the midst of our weaknesses and strengths is the quintessential transformative agent. 

But my experience tells me that it is nearly impossible for us to relate to another human being in this way if we do not begin to relate to ourselves in the same manner. 

To walk such a path requires a method: a disciplined way of learning to pay attention to all that is arising within. This is called mindfulness. 

But mindfulness is not simply a technique. It is an act of love. Our willingness to see, to hold ourselves closely just as we are, while being this way with another, is a revealing and deeply healing expression of care."

-- Saki Santorelli, in Healing Thyself

Reference materials for mindfulness-based psychotherapy practice. 

Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy:


The Art and Science of Mindfulness - Shauna Shapiro, Linda Carlson
Mindfulness and Psychotherapy - Christopher Germer, Ronald Siegel, Paul Fulton
The Mindfulness Solution - Ronald Siegel
The Mindful Therapist - Daniel Siegel
The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion - Christopher Germer
The Mindful Way Through Depression - Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression - Zindel Segal, Mark Williams, John Teasdale


20 Mindfulness-Based Approaches to Healing
Healing Trauma with Meditation - Amy Schmidt, John Miller


The Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
Site Francophone sur la Pleine Conscience en Psychotherapie


Working with Pain - Ines Freedman

Working with Anxiety, Fear and Panic - Bob Stahl
Working with Chronic Pain - Bob Stahl
Materiel Didactique - Site Francophone sur la Pleine Conscience
Buddhist psychology:


A Wise Heart - Jack Kornfield
After the Ecstasy, the Laundry - Jack Kornfield
A Path with Heart - Jack Kornfield
Food for the Heart - Ajahn Chah
The Experience of Insight - Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation - Joseph Goldstein
One Dharma - Joseph Goldstein
In This Very Life - U Pandita
It's Easier Than You Think - Sylvia Boorstein
Thoughts Without a Thinker - Mark Epstein

Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Insight Meditation Center
Access to Insight

Dharma Talks - Gil Fronsdal

Mindfulness-Based End of Life Care:

Zen Hospice Project


Buddha's Brain - Rick Hanson
The Mindful Brain - Daniel Siegel
Mindsight - Daniel Siegel

Cognitive Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation - Philippe Goldin
Transform Your Mind, Change Your Brain - Richard Davidson
Change Your Mind, Change Your Brain - Matthieu Riccard
Mindfulness research links - Philippe Goldin


Mind and Life Institute
Mindfulness Awareness Research Center
Mindsight Institute

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