Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Mindful Awareness

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center

Mindfulness is making the news these days. It has been depicted in the media primarily as a tool to hone attention, to cultivate sensory awareness, and to keep us in the present moment.

Developing these tools takes effort and determination, but why is it we can sometimes be mindful without really even trying? Perhaps we were naturally mindful at points in life before we ever learned what mindfulness was. Maybe we feel naturally connected, present, and at ease in nature. Or we become mindful while talking authentically with a friend, or in the midst of music, art, or athletic activity.

Mindfulness is not only a meditation technique, but also a state of being. This state is available to anyone; it is a natural human capacity. Mindfulness practice, as a tool, is tremendously helpful to cultivate this awareness, and the state can arise at any moment. Mindfulness is also connected to a set of powerful outcomes: happiness, emotional regulation, compassion, altruism, and kindness.

We encourage you to attend an array of offerings to cultivate the moment-to-moment awareness, which is the foundation of our practice.


Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy can help prevent recurrence of depression.

Review finds mindfulness-based cognitive therapy can help prevent recurrence of depression.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Shauna Shapiro: "Mindful Discipline" | Talks at Google

Published on Oct 31, 2014
happy, compassionate, and responsible children requires both love and

Based on her new book, Mindful Discipline, Dr. Shauna Shapiro
weaves together ancient wisdom and modern science to provide new
perspectives on parenting and discipline.

Grounded in mindfulness and neuroscience, this workshop redefines discipline and outlines the five
essential elements necessary for children to thrive: 

  1. unconditional love,
  2. space for children to be themselves, 
  3. mentorship, 
  4. healthy boundaries,
  5. mis-takes that create learning and growth opportunities. 

parenting practices such as setting limits with love, working with
difficult emotions, and mindfulness and compassion meditations that
place discipline within a context of mindfulness. This
relationship-centered approach will restore your confidence as a parent
and support your children in developing emotional intelligence,
self-discipline, and resilience—qualities they need for living an
authentic and meaningful life.




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